Life at the bottom of the Fashion Caste

Wet and Rusting

Bridge trail


yepknucklzmawioxfordsleapoffaitharcherybalancedWhat I wore today, on this lazy Monday. It’s been unseasonably warm these last few days making for a rather wet and foggy climate which I can totally dig but which also leaves me wanting to stay hidden away indoors with Anna Karenina and a piping hot cup of earl grey.

This weekend the social butterfly in me was in full swing, however, while attending my city’s first-ever Improv Festival. It was such an incredible accumulation of talent. My sincere congratulations to my closest confidant, Lois Louis for more than one spectacular performance.

One last thing to note: my sweater is Donna Karan. Yes, a real life “designer” is clothing my pauperish body, it’s true! No, I did not pay the requisite 350 smackaroos for said sweater. I got it at Opitz. I got it at Opitz for five dollarsWhat is this Opitz’s you ask? Solve the mystery by clicking this link.

In other news, here’s the breakdown:

Hat: Asos UK (last seen here), Jacket: Macy’s, Sweater: Donna Karan at Opitz, Leggin’s: thrifted, Crossbody: thrifted, Brogues: Asos UK (kinda like these but not), Necklace: Mawi London, Rings: all vintage/thrifted.

Until next time,

->The Fashion Serf.

One response

  1. Great photos!) Love your booties.


    August 3, 2013 at 7:20 am

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